I am a Rhema Bible College graduate. (Mexico)
Dear Friends and family,
I am writing to share a testimony of God’s faithfulness and His work in my life, leading me out of the prosperity gospel and into the fullness of His truth. After completing the transformative program at Teen Challenge, the Lord opened a door for me to attend Rhema Mexico City on a partial scholarship.
This opportunity was a profound blessing—not only did I learn Spanish, but I also deepened my understanding of His Word through the study of ministry. By His grace, I took the tests in Spanish and graduated with a two-year diploma in ministry.
During my time in Mexico, God placed a deep burden on my heart for the marginalized and the broken. I had the privilege of ministering to a street gang, teaching English at a local orphanage, and serving alongside mission teams from the United States.
Through these experiences, I fell in love with the culture and the people of Mexico, and my heart continues to carry a special place for them.
Having been raised in the Word of Faith Gospel, I understand the deep yearning for God’s blessings and power in our lives. However, as I have grown in my relationship with Christ, I have come to see the importance of standing for truth and guarding against teachings that can lead others astray.
Jesus Himself warned, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves” (Matthew 7:15, ESV). The Holy Spirit has guided me as I seek to discern and share His truth.
In response to this, I have felt a strong calling to address some of the errors within hyper-prosperity teachings lovingly and to expose the dangers of false prophets. My goal is not to condemn but to point others back to the pure, life-giving truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
To this end, I create videos that prayerfully and humbly seek to shed light on these issues while emphasizing the beauty and simplicity of God’s Word.
As the Apostle Paul reminds us, “For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions” (2 Timothy 4:3, ESV).
It is my hope and prayer that my journey encourages others to trust in God’s plans and remain steadfast in their pursuit of His truth. I share this with a heart of love for the Body of Christ and a deep desire to see lives transformed by His grace.
Thank you for allowing me to share a part of my story. May we all continue to grow in His love and truth.
In His service,
Brother John Elving
My uncle Billy lived in the USA, where he was good friends with Kenneth Copeland and worked for him. Mr. Copeland did his funeral. I have never met Kenneth Copeland.
I had a brief conversation with Pastor Kenneth Hagin Jr when he flew to my graduation in Mexico City. Pastors Kenneth W. and Lynette Hagin are friends with my family.
My mom was the children's pastor at Henry Hinn Church Vancouver. As a child, I knew Costi Hinn and was invited into their home many times. I have never met Benny Hinn. I wish the Hinn family the best.
I had an opportunity to drive and translate for Pastor Mark Hankins in Mexico City.
My parents graduated from Charis college. I have never met Andrew Wommack.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I write to you with deep concern. The prosperity gospel—a deceitful message that promises health, wealth, and success in exchange for financial offerings—is a blasphemous distortion of God’s Word.
This false teaching, championed by the likes of Todd White, Jesse Duplantis, Bill Johnson, and others, exploits the vulnerable and dishonors Christ. It reduces our holy God to a vending machine, twisting Scriptures like John 10:10 and 3 John 1:2 to serve selfish, materialistic agendas.
Jesus warned us in Matthew 7:15: “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”
These preachers are leading multitudes astray, prioritizing worldly riches over eternal truth. Let me be clear: the Gospel is not about financial gain or personal comfort—it is about salvation through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Paul declared in Galatians 1:8: “If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.” The prosperity gospel is not the Gospel. It denies the reality of suffering, ignores Christ’s call to take up our cross (Luke 9:23), and distracts from the eternal hope we have in Him.
I urge you to reject these lies and stand firm on the unshakable truth of God’s Word. Pray for discernment, and test all teachings against Scripture. Let us boldly proclaim the true Gospel and pray for the repentance of those deceived by this heresy.
In the service of Christ,
Brother John Elving